New Mural in the MCC

24 05 2010

By: Katie Nivison

If you have been in the Media and Communications Center this Spring Quarter you may have noticed a new visual art piece on the first floor of the building. This mural was done by a senior seminar class in the Communication Department and is a colorful collage that incorporates many current issues that have been of great concern on our campus this past school year.

Some of the issues that are incorporated into the mural are the March 4th: Day of Action, past and present wars, budget cuts, political demonstrations on campus, and the battle against racism in the UCSD community. It has all of the University of California campuses painted into the mural and provides a message of the importance of free speech and taking political action. It also stresses the value of a unified community not only within UCSD but will all of the University of California campuses. This mural is a great example of student activism. It is great to see a thought provoking work of art that has a message that is loud and straightforward. It is a reminder to those who pass by it to take action and get involved.

Have you seen this project? What are your thoughts on some of the issues that it presents and how do you think past issues tie in the current ones in the mural?

Have you seen other murals like this one around campus? Do you think that we need more student projects like this on campus and in other department buildings that have heavy traffic? Do you know of other UC Campuses that are creating murals like this one?

Art and the commemoration of an anti-war protester

23 05 2010

BY: Agnes Radomski

There have been many events on campus in recent history that have sparked action among the student populous in the form of protests, walkouts, and artistic expression. While it may be difficult to see the silver lining at times, the racially motivated events starting with the Compton Cookout have provided students with a platform to speak out about issues affecting them and their education and demand reform.

While observing the once ordinary wall that has been transformed into a mural downstairs in the Communication and Media Building something in particular popped out at me.

I am sure many people will recognize the different events and themes that are addressed through the artist’s expression but will they recognize Winnie? Seeing the painting of a small figure engulfed in flames with bold capital letters that spelled out UCSD made me ask myself that same question.  But I didn’t ask “is this Winnie?” I didn’t know his name but I knew about him. During my first quarter at UCSD, in one of my introductory Communication courses, a professor told us about Winnie. He also mentioned that it’s not an event that is widely discussed around campus.

George Winnie Jr. immolated himself on May 10, 1970 at Revelle Plaza in protest of the Vietnam War. He was just 23 years old. Next to himself he placed a sign that read “In God’s name, end this war.”

There is a plaque that commemorates him but it is not widely known about. Another UCSD student wrote about this, and his thoughts about Winnie’s death at his blog:

Winnie’s death is something every UCSD student should know about. While the plaque may be in an area that not everyone treads the wall in the Communication building will at least expose Winnie to comm students and others who enter the building.  And for those who will see the painting and may not know who he is, I hope that it will spark their curiosity to atleast find out.

Did you know about Winnie and did you know that he is part of the mural in the Communication and Media Building?

Is this art enough to spread the word about how Winnie died and for what reasons or do you think he should be commemorated somewhere on campus that everyone will see?

Were you aware of any other events or artistic expressions that have taken place on campus in Winnie’s name?

In what ways have you seen students express themselves about the two wars we are currently in?